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Repeated attempt 94km completed successfully - new Slovak record

During the IARU UHF 2009 contest we tried to overcome a distance of 94 kilometers from the Samorin to Velka Javorina hill again ( see our former unsuccessful attempt on my OM1LD web site or Rado OM2ZZ web site).
After the previous unsuccessful attempts, I searched for where the problem was. Using a protractor, which I constructed for this purpose, I measured the top of hills on the horizon from the Velka Javorina hill. The Radiomobile program gave a clearance for that route, but reality was different. After a detailed analysis of the photo, I found a hill distanced about 40 kilometers, which was exactly flooding the route. So moving the station position on the other side of the Velka Javorina TV tower could help us.
This time the weather was not especially good, though a forecast promised success. Hills 30 kilometers far from Samorin were vanishing in an increasing haze. Friends at my side did not give us a chance for success. But surprisingly when we turned the spotlight beams on, we have immediately seen each other and the connection started. Penetrating of laser light in a bad environment was fantastic. High power laser and the optimal divergence gave much more stable signal than in the case of the OM-OK optical QSO (81 km ) a month before. This 94km optical QSO followed a tradition of OM1LD - OM3KII contacts, where in the OM3KII club Rado OM2ZZ is the leader. After connection OM1LD - OM3KII in CW mode, we tried a voice connection OM1LD - OM2ZZ with reports 59/599. Since I forgot to record it normally, I tried to upload some audio with the help of a mobile phone. This is not of best quality, but at least something to hear.

94km - Konecne uspech po neuspesnom pokuse zo 4. maja 2007

Pocas IARU UHF 2009 kontestu sme sa znovu pokusili prekonat vzdialenost 94km zo Samorina do Velkej Javoriny (Pozri neuspesny pokus OM1LD , alebo na Radovych strankach OM2ZZ.
Po neuspesnom pokuse som hladal problem. Pomocou uhlomeru, ktory som na tento ucel zostrojil som zmeral vrchole kopcov na horizonte z Velkej Javoriny. Podla programu Radiomobile je trasa cista a priechodna, ale skutocnost bola ina. Podrobnou analyzou fotografii som zistil, ze jeden kopec vzdialeny asi 40km je presne v povodne stanovenej trase. Premiestnenim vysielacieho stanoviska na Javorine o kilometer na druhu stranu od TV vysielaca by mohol byt pokus uspesny. Pocasie nam moc neprialo. Aj ked predpoved slubovala uspech. Kopce 30km vzdialene zanikali v narastajucom opare. Kamarati na mojej strane nedavali sancu na uspech. Na pocudovanie to cele zbehlo rychlo. Po zapnuti spotlight svetla sa Rado okamzite dotiahol a spojenie mohlo zacat. Priechodnost laseru v takto zlom prostredi bola fantasticka. Silny vykon, siroky zvazok a optimalna divergencia Radovho laseru davala podstatne stabilnejsi signal ako v pripade spojenia 81km OM-OK z pred mesiaca. Ako prve nasledovalo tradicne spojenie OM1LD-OK3KII kde za klubovou znackou sa skryval Rado OM2ZZ Po spojeni OM1LD - OM3KII v CW mode sme vyskusali aj fonicke spojenie OM1LD - OM2ZZ s reportami 59/599 Kedze som zabudol nahravacie zariadenie, pokusil som sa aspon nieco nahrat do mobilneho telefonu. Nie je to ziadna slava, ale aspon nieco.

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